Dorper History

The Dorper breed was developed in South Africa in the 1930's, by crossing a Dorset Horn x Blackhead Persian. The Blackhead Persian sheep, a hardy, fat-tailed desert breed from the Middle East brings to the Dorper its hardiness, thriftiness, adaptability, pigmentation and hair covering. In addition, the Persians have very valuable skins used in the production of fine leather products. The Dorset Horn rams crossed with Blackhead Persian ewes produced fast growing and heavily muscled lambs. Many University and other taste tests report that Dorper lamb meat is milder, leaner, and richer in flavor than other breeds of sheep --- which is why it is often referred to as “Gourmet lamb meat”.

We choose Dorpers because they are:

  • Hardy and adaptable

  • Excellent maternal qualities with vigorous lamb growth

  • Non-seasonal breeders

  • Very fertile and prolific

  • Full shedders

  • Dorpers cross well with other breeds producing fast growing, muscular lambs.

  • Non-Selective Grazers and excellent converters of forage.

  • Superb taste

  • Excellent temperament

  • Gorgeous!

  • Profitable!


Foundation Rams


Dorper Love!